Online Auction

Online Auction

Online Auction

Online Auction is where everyone goes to shop, sell,and give, while discovering variety and affordability. Online Auction is a place where everyone sell or buy electronics products without going to anywhere. if you want to sell your products you can create your seller account and get access to wide range of features for selling your products online rather than physically selling. Seller can upload their inventory or products they want to sell online by creating auction for that products. Customer can place bid on the products available in live auction by registering as buyer. Buyer and Seller have access to their wallet. Seller will be notified whenever auction for their product is over and their products get sold out. Whoever win the bid will also be notified using email. Seller can add unlimited products to live auction by purchasing respective premium package.


  1. Live Auction
  2. Online Bidding 
  3. Seller Dashboard
  4. Buyer Dashboard
  5. Product filter
  6. Wallet
  7. SMS Gateway
  8. Payment Gateway
  9. Push Notification
  10. REST API for Mobile App

Technology Used

Codeigniter, PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap, Javascript, jQuery, REST API, Payment Gateway



Online Auction System
Online Bidding Software
Live Auction
Buy & Sell Products
Online Auction Website